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App Description
Like any other muscles in our body, the eye muscles also need regular exercise in order to keep them healthy and strong. We all know that doing things like swimming, jogging or going to the gym keeps our bodies fit. But did you know that you can exercise the human eye as well? With an Eye Training or a simple Vision Therapy?
With Eye Trainer Pro you can discover how fast and easy it is to improve your vision and preseve your eye health. The pro version contains 9 full eye trainings:
– DAILY TRAINING: the same 6-7 minutes training that the lite version contains for everyday eye care
– FULL EYE MASSAGE: release the tension and energize your eyes when you feel tired, wonderful results with eye massage!
– EYE YOGA: improve your focus while emptying your mind and release the stress with this 5 minutes yoga exercises
– RELEASE HEADACHE: stop your headache with some great relaxing techniques
– NEARSIGHTEDNESS (MYOPIA): reduce the symptoms of myopia with a specialized training for it
– FARSIGHTEDNESS (HYPEROPIA): a vision training known to provide very good results reducing it
– DOUBLE VISION: do you feel dizzy or have a double vision? Exercises against them
– DOMINANT EYE: everybody has a dominant eye which works a little bit harder than the other, find yours!
– COLOR BLINDNESS TEST: the short version of the famous eye color blindness test (eye test)
Eye Trainer Pro is a very user-friendly application. You only have to start the trainings by one click and the built-in voices will manage you through all the steps of the trainings so you can easily complete any eye trainings. Moreover there are figures indicating the correct method of doing every step! It is also possible to pause the eye training for a while or jump to any other step you would like to do if you need to interrupt one of the exercises.
If you completed the training you can easily share it on Facebook!
This application can be used as a vision trainer or a vision therapy for eyesight recovery. You can achieve from slight to even serious results in your eyesight recovery with our vision training which contains carefully picked exercises. It can also be useful before an eye test.
The training can also be useful reducing the symptoms of numerous eye disorders (eye problems) like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, eye fatigue, double vision, dizziness or headache. A 15-step color blindness eye test is also included.
Tips, warnings and further information about each steps are included in the Help.
Start using Eye Trainer today! For improved vision and healthy eyes.
“Health is Wealth” – and this is true for the eye protection or the eye care as well. The human eye needs frequent eye treatment, so it is recommended to do the daily vision training (or vision therapy) every day for suitable results at your vision improvement. Eye muscles should be trained often for winning your great eyesight back. You will see, it will be like one of the eye games!
About our eye:
Eyes are organs that detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. The simplest photoreceptors in conscious vision connect light to
movement. In higher organisms the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, converts this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmits these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain.
Doug Lynch
Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.
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