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App Description
Droid Circuit Calc Pro is great tool for electronics student and hobbyists. It helps and makes it lot easier to do calculations for your circuits and design works.
The Pro version has electronic calculators, electronic components guide, useful electronic resources guide, huge collection of electronic circuits for hobbyists, electronic symbols and 74xx series pin outs etc.
You have now lots of electronic circuit calculators like
* Ohm Law Calculator
* Resistor Voltage Divider Calculator
* Parallel Resistors Calculator
* LED Resistor Calculator
* RC Filter calculator
* LC Filter Calculator
* Op Amp Active Filter Calculator
* Resonance Calculator
* Frequency and Wavelength Calculator
* RF Calculators (Microstrip, coaxial cable, pi attenuator, t attenuator calculators)
* 555 Timer astable and Monostable multivibrator calculator
* Op amp inverting and non inverting amplifier calculator
* Open air single layer inductance calculator
* LM317 constant current calculator
* LM317 voltage regulator calculator
* Zener Diode series resistor calculator
* PCB Trace Width Calculator
* Battery Charge Time Calculator
In the electronic components section you can enjoy now
* SMD resistor value codes calculator
* Resistor color codes calculator
* Capacitor values code calculator
* SMD resistor and capacitor packages guide
* Standard 2% and 5% resistance value table
* Standard 1% resistance value table
* IC packages guide (DIP ICs, SO ICs, PLCC ICs etc)
* LM78xx and LM79xx voltage regulators guide
* LM317 and LM337 voltage regulators guide
And in the resources section we have
* List of ASCII codes
* Radio frequencies list
* AWG wire gauge table for resistance and current
* Micro SD card pinouts
* Different PC ports pinouts (like serial port, parallel port, joystick or game port, USB port, VGA port, mini VGA, PS2 mouse port, network port, mini USB, S Video, Scart Port, HDMI Port, Firewire (IEEE 1394) Port, GPIB Port, Sata, DVI (Digital Video Interface) Port, Extended IDE Port and Apple 30 pin Dock Port)
* Microchip PIC microcontroller ICSP connector pinouts.
* Atmel AVR microcontroller ISP connector pinouts
* LCDs (for microcontrollers) Pinouts (16 x 2 LCD, Hitachi HD44780 LCD, 128 x 64 graphics LCD, Nokia 3310 LCD)
* ATX Power supply connector pinouts
* GSM SIM module pinouts
* PICAXE pinouts and specs. (08M2, 14M2, 18M2, 20M2, 20X2, 28X2 and 40X2)
* Garmin GPS connectors pinouts (EM406, 4 pinround connector, Nuvi connector)
In circuits section we have came up with 7 categories and 40 circuits. But there is lot more to come soon. Circuits Categories are
* Audio amplifiers Circuits
* Alarms and Bells Circuits
* 555 Timer IC Circuits
* LED Circuits
* Power Supply Circuits
* RC Plane Circuits
* Home Security Circuits
* RF Circuits
* Solar Circuits
for you………..and still more to come very soon…………. just stay tuned……………
Electronic calculators, electronic circuits, electronics references, Pinouts, Cables & Adapters and much more more…….
Doug Lynch
Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.
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