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App Description
Seriation is an excellent package of educational activities for children between 3 and 6 years, children learn to complete sets of colors, shapes , strips and objects through fun and entertaining activities , specially designed to enhance cognitive performance .
Help the child extensively in the process of the notion of number in preschool.
The child applies logical operations from a reference system , order items with similar characteristics in a pattern or order objects , either increasing or decreasing as focusing on the object “greater than” and / or “less than”.
To perform the seriation of increasing or decreasing manner , it is necessary that the child first identify and understand sizes: large – small .
It is important that the child will like the activity ( the selected game )
It requires starting with the first level to better understand the game and see the same domain .
It is important that the child first by itself make the game not to require assistance , was asked how it was made , to see the process and analysis that the child did to solve the game .
If the child needs help to make the game start giving a brief explanation of it without resolverle the game.
Helps increase the child’s vocabulary , so it is important that the adult asks you for the name of the objects or animals (presented in the images ) and the adult repeated the child ‘s name mentioned, if the child does not they are known , the adult will tell you the name of them and ask the child to repeat the name .
The adult can begin to provide an explanation or more detailed information of objects, animals, fruits, vegetables, different scenarios that appear, etc..
Some exercises are designed to be performed from left to right, top to bottom according to the writing system .
Give the child time required for levels 1 and 2.
Serializing package CENPIMX is a High Quality Educational Product .
Requires Adobe Air for Android.
Doug Lynch
Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.
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