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App Description
“BisMag Calculator 3D” is a powerful math tool for Android consists of 5 calculators. “Matrix Calculator”, a tool to calculate the decompositions and various operations on matrix, “Equation Solver” an instrument capable of solving equations of degree n, “Graphing Calculator” a real scientific graphing calculator can draw graphs in 2D and 3D, “Currency Converter” a currency converter always updated with the new exchange rates and “Unit Converter” a small units converter. In addition we find a comfortable Periodic Table of Elements.
Features in detail:
– Matrix Calculator:
–Derived Quantities
Cholesky decomposition
LU decomposition whit pivoting
QR decomposition
SVD – Singular Values decomposition
Eigenvalues – Eigenvectors
–Linear Systems
Linear Systems M N
– Graphing Calculator:
–Sample expressions
variable evaluation: pi
function evaluation: sin(0)
variable definition: a=3.5
function definition: f(x)=x^2-1
parentheses: (1-x)^2
–Logarithms and power
sqrt(x): square root; x^0.5
cbrt(x): cube root; x^(1/3)
exp(x): exponential; e^x
log(x), ln(x): natural logarithm
log2(x), lb(x): binary logarithm
log10(x), lg(x): decimal logarithm
log(base,x): arbitrary base logarithm
–Trigonometric – radians
sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)
asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)
–Trigonometric – degrees
sind(x), cosd(x), tand(x)
asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x)
sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)
asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x)
gcd(x,y): greatest common divisor
comb(n,k): combinations
perm(n,k): permutations
min(x,y), max(x,y)
floor(x), ceil(x)
abs(x): absolute value
sign(x): signum
rnd(): random value from [0,1). rnd(max): random value from [0, max).
gamma(x): (x-1)!
mod(x,y): modulo
–Complex numbers
i or j is the complex base. Example:
+ – × ÷ basic arithmetic
^ power
% percent
! factorial
# modulo
√ square root
‘ first derivative
–Binary, octal, hexadecimal
Value converter in binary, octal or hexadecimal input prefixing respectively 0b, 0o, 0x, in decimal.
binary: 0b1010
octal: 0o17
hexa: 0x100
It is possible to compute the first derivative of a function with one argument using the prime notation: log'(5).
The prime mark (quote) must appear immediately after the name of the function, and must be followed by open-parentheses.
The derivative may be plotted e.g. sqrt'(x).
To compute the derivative of an expression you must define the expression as a named function.
Eg f (x) = x ^ 2 + x, after insertion, type f ‘(x) to display the graph of the derivative.
–Multi plot
To plot multiple functions on the same 2d graph, simply enter them on the same line separated by “;”.
–Special Function
Indefinite Integrals
Limit of a function /*Still in beta*/
Definite Integrals
Taylor Series
Tangent Line
Arc Length & Surface Area
Formula Tables
–Graph (MultiPlot)
Graph of parametric functions
Graph in polar coordinates
MultiPlot 3D
— Widget Calculator
Say about us:
scientific calculator, grapher, graphic calculator, integration, derivative, mathematica, matlab, complex numbers, plotting, graph plot, plotter, calculation, symbolic, graphing, study of function, derive, arity, symja
Doug Lynch
Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.
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