Price History
App Description
Put yourself into Animus 2.0 and experience it with live updates and real-time information regarding various important events in this magnificent designed theme.
Updates for
– Weather
– Unread SMS
– Missed Calls
– Next Alarm
– Time and Date
– Next Calendar Event
– GPS Status
– Wifi Status
Full Version Features
* Dynamic DNA Battery Bar inspired from AC: Brotherhood
* Real-Time Weather Updates
* Provide Custom Name to Memories instead of preplaced Desmond.
* Clickable Customizable shortcuts
* Dedicated Support and Frequent Updates
Installation (Very Easy)
Just place your widget on home-screen and Enjoy! No other application is required!
Optional: To get most out of this theme, hide the dock under launcher settings and use 6×4 grid or more. If your launcher doesn’t provide you with these settings, download Nova Launcher. You can also make the status bar transparent in Launcher Settings.
Q- I have XYZ issue. HELP!
A- Since I am still new to Android Programming, it is inevitable that bugs will occur. I can only make this theme even better with your help. Please don’t give a bad rating on Google Play, instead you can email me with your problem. This way, I can only troubleshoot the problems if I actually know it.
Doug Lynch
Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.
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