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App Description

Auto Wallpaper Changer (CLARO Pro) changes the wallpaper from your personal pics from your gallery.

It’s very easy to automate wallpaper changes using “Auto Change Wallpaper (CLARO Pro)”.
✔ Create multiple folders with a set of personal images from the gallery
✔ Choose days and time to set the random wallpapers from an album,
✔ Set interval time, how often you want to change the wallpaper automatically (Schedule wallpaper changes).

all done !!

Beloved Options:
✔ Choose Color Filters for personal wallpapers: Sepia, Grayscale, Blur, Random
✔ Schedule wallpaper changes as per your need: Select Days, Time Range, Interval
✔ Choose Image Order: Random or sequence (shuffle or one direction wallpapers)

Doug Lynch

Hi! You may have seen my work at other Android publications including XDA and Phandroid, but I have branched out on my own to create content for the community. Most of my work consists of finding the best deals in the Google Play Store, creating tutorials on my YouTube channel, and curating the best applications and games on Play Store Finder.